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COMING SOON Custom Hand Carved Pet Portrait Stamp

COMING SOON Custom Hand Carved Pet Portrait Stamp

Regular price $65.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $65.00 USD
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Do you want to stamp your pet’s likeness onto greeting cards, paper bags, tee shirts, books, dressing room walls, bar bathrooms, etc etc? 

Send me oh so many pictures of your beloved. I will say “awwwww 🥹 soooo cute!” Then I will draw them, transfer that drawing onto rubber, carve away the negative space therefore leaving you with your very own customized one of a kind stamp of your baby animal. Final product mounted on a piece of hand carved pine. 

*size on average varies from about 2.5x3 inches to 3x3.5 inches. Perfect size to fit in one’s palm 


*approximate 2 week turnaround from start to finish (could be more/could be less)

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